Welcome to my portfolio!

Aarón (RAFALAMAO) | Mechatronic engineer, Full Stack, ROS, Computer Vision and IA developer.

ReactJavaScriptTypeScriptVue.jsCSS3PythonROSOpenCVTensorFlowtmuxMySQLDockerPostgreSQLstyled-componentsNestJSAmazon AWSAzure DevOpsVisual Studio CodeLabVIEWHTML5LinuxNode.jsNumPyGitHubBitbucket



Rayman Game Port

Due Rayman Jungle Run is a little old, I generated a port of this game to work with Android 13. The port was decompiled with Apktool and modified with smali. I wrote a XDA forum post about it.

  • Smali
  • Apktool
  • Android

BBVA Fintech

App made with ReactJs. It is a platform that invites those interested in technology to propose an article for BBVA in order to have the opportunity to be sponsored.

  • React
  • MySQL
  • Azure
  • Axios


Web page made with ReactJs and Express developed in *The Rocket Code, it has the objective of registering new customers to grant credit according to many business rules.

  • React
  • Express
  • Credit Loans
  • MySQL

Movie Flix

App made with ReactJs. It's just a simple consumption of an API to get and show movie information, also a virtual assitant that sends you movie information in real time.

  • React
  • Bot
  • Hooks
  • Fetch

3D Map Plotter

Web page made with ReactJs that has the objective of graphing a 3D point cloud hosted in a GitHub repository, data was generated with ORBSLAM2.

  • React
  • Plotly
  • Axios
  • FramerM
  • StyledC

VitReact College

In this web application you can login as a Student or Teacher and CRUD information. This project has its own REST API Back-End developed with NodeJs, Express and MySLQ.

  • Vite
  • React
  • Hooks
  • Back-End

Framer Motion SVG

Simple app using Framer Motion to animate SVG content and simple use of React routers. Warning: it can be a lot of work for your mobile or PC, just a joke... or not?.

  • React
  • FramerM
  • StyledC

Virtual Assistant

Develop of a virtual assistant inside of Intevolution, this bot helps manage the students and teachers process, using pure Javascript and Azure services.

  • JavaScript
  • Azure

Hector Quadrotor Port

Due hector quadrotor (drone simulator) only works on ROS melodic version, I generated a port to work with ROS Noetic.

  • ROS
  • C++

ORBSLAM2 Ubuntu 20 Port

Due ORBSLAM2 is a little old, I generated a port of this algorithms to work with Ubuntu 20 and ROS Noetic.

  • ROS
  • C++

ORBSLAM3 Ubuntu 20 Port

Due ORBSLAM3 is a little old, I generated a port of this algorithms to work with Ubuntu 20 and ROS Noetic.

  • ROS
  • C++


Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, React, Vue.js, Next.js, Framer Motion, Styled Components, Redux

Back-End: JavaScript, Typescript, Node JS, Express, NestJS

DB: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Sequelize, TypeORM

Mechatronic: ROS, MATLAB, SolidWorks, LabView, Python, C++, C

OS: Linux, Windows

Cloud: Azure, AWS

Data science (Python): TensorFlow, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn

IDE: Visual Studio Code, Google Colab, Jupyter notebook

Git-repo: GitHub, Bitbucket

Workflow: Scrum

  • Front-End

    Most used:
    Next.js (TS)

  • Back-End

    Most used:
    NestJS (TS)

  • IDE

    Most used:
    VS Code


Aarón     |     RAFALAMAO     |     28 yo

I’m a Mechatronic Engineer graduated from UPIITA of IPN México, I love development, music and graphical design.

I started with C / C ++, then Matlab, LabView, Python, JavaScript and Typescript. Currently I am programming mainly in Next.js (TS) and NestJS (TS) technologies.

I worked one year and a half at Intevolution developing intelligent bots with Javascript, Azure services and programing simple front-end interfaces. I made my social service and engineering final work at CINVESTAV Zacatenco developing with ROS some computer vision and mobile robot control projects.

I'm currently working for a Mexican company called The Rocket Code as a full stack developer.

I can work stationary, hybrid and remotely (preferably), both full-time and part-time.

What else?

- Creator of guitar tabs (My tabs or UG profile) (2016-present)

- Project as freelance with Intevolution in a computer vision project (Intevolution) (2021)

- YouTube content creator (ROS simulations, guitar covers, etc.) (Channel) (2014-present)

- Languages:  English (B1)  |  Spanish (Native)

- Strengths:  Ingenuity  |  Ambitiony  |  Responsibility  |  Punctuality

- Interests:  AI  |  Music  |  Graphic design  |  Technological development  |  Science



Accepted in the BBVA process as a software developer intern


Hired at The Rocket Code as a Full Stack developer


Mechatronics engineering graduation


Hired at Intevolution as a software developer intern

© 2024 | A. Juárez